1. There is no special "plan" for my life
2. There is no such thing as "The One"
3. I will never reach ultimate happiness where at a certain point in life it is suddenly all happy and full of sunshine all the time
4. A"best friend for forever" may not mean for forever
5. The grass is never greener on the other side
6. Just because a man tells me he loves does not mean he does
7. I am not and will never be good at everything
8. I was better at my other job than the one I have now
9. I cannot expect anything out of any human being or in life
10. I have issues
11. It doesn't matter how great a relationship is with someone, one thing can make the whole thing fall apart
12. I am more moody than the average person
13. Time moves faster the older I get
14. People will talk about me behind my back
15. People will pretend they like me
16. Not everyone likes me
17. No one can predict the future so stop trying to forecast it
18. Sometimes I don't use common sense
19. I need to choose my battles
20. I need to live as if I was the only person on earth
21. Not to ever assume someone doesn't care about me or love me but don't assume they do care about me or love me either
22. Don't have any expectations, things change from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute
23. I have no control over others' decisions
24. Let go of illusions
25. I will feel like a different person every day
26. Marriage may not mean "til death do us part" (not personal experience, just observation)
27. My beliefs can and will change from one day to the next
28. I will not like everything about a person
29. The more I change the more I stay the same
30. The only thing I can be sure of in life is my breath and heart beat and if that fails I will be dead
31. There is nothing "special" about me
32. I will fail over and over and over again, sometimes even at the same thing
33. I will never fulfill my entire bucket list because I am always adding more
34. There will never be enough money
35. My skin will never be cleared of acne and blemishes
36. My teeth will never be as white as I want them to
37. I've lost my desire to get married
38. I will never understand when people speak in terms of what they see in their future...I see many different possibilities
39. I will never feel completely set on any decision I ever make in life
40. I am a grain of sand compared to the span of life on earth